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徐鹏教授课题组有关硬骨鱼类适应极端碱性环境基因组进化和遗传机制的研究成果在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》期刊发表




我院徐鹏教授课题组与中国水产科学研究院等单位合作,日前在国际分子进化领域顶级期刊《Molecular Biology and Evolution(分子生物学与进化)》(IF=13.649)发表研究论文“Genomic basis of adaptive evolution: the survival of Amur ide (Leuciscus waleckii) in an extremely alkaline environment”,揭示硬骨鱼类在极端碱性环境下的基因组进化和适应性分子机制。

全球气候变化无时无刻不在改变着生物的生活环境,气候变化背景下的生物遗传多样性变化和适应性进化,是广受关注的科学问题。我国内蒙古高原东部达里诺尔湖是典型的高碱碳酸盐型半咸水湖泊,pH 高达9.6,地质证据和湖泊演化历史表明,该湖是在全新世晚期以来,在数千年的时间内由淡水湖泊快速演化而成。该湖瓦氏雅罗鱼(Leuciscus waleckii)种群与其他淡水种群不同,不仅可以耐受高碱环境,而且可以繁衍生长,成为仅存的数种鱼类之一。该种群随着湖泊演化而受到环境碱度持续增加的选择压力,经过快速基因组演化而获得对极端高碱环境的耐受和适应,因此它是研究在全球气候变化背景下硬骨鱼类应对酸碱水环境适应性进化的理想模式鱼类。解析相关的遗传机制和分子机理,不仅有利于深入了解硬骨鱼类应对水体酸碱变化的适应性分子机制,而且也对培育适应盐碱水域的鱼类新品种,拓展水产养殖业的发展空间具有非常重要的参考价值。


该研究成果于2016年10月20日在《Molecular Biology and Evolution》在线发表(doi:10.1093/molbev/msw230)。徐鹏教授为该论文通讯作者。该项研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金青年基金、优秀青年基金、科技部863项目和我校校长基金等项目资助。


The Amur ide (Leuciscus waleckii) is a cyprinid fish that is widely distributed in Northeast Asia. The Lake Dali Nur population inhabits one of the most extreme aquatic environments on Earth, with an alkalinity up to 50 mmol/L ( pH 9.6), thus providing an exceptional model with which to characterize the mechanisms of genomic evolution underlying adaptation to extreme environments. Here, we developed the reference genome assembly for L. waleckii from Lake Dali Nur. Intriguingly, we identified unusual expanded long terminal repeats (LTRs) with higher nucleotide substitution rates than in many other teleosts, suggesting their more recent insertion into the L. waleckii genome. We also identified expansions in genes encoding egg coat proteins and natriuretic peptide receptors, possibly underlying the adaptation to extreme environmental stress. We further sequenced the genomes of 10 additional individuals from freshwater and 18 from Lake Dali Nur populations, and we detected a total of 7.6 million SNPs from both populations. In a genome scan and comparison of these two populations, we identified a set of genomic regions under selective sweeps that harbour genes involved in ion homoeostasis, acid-base regulation, unfolded protein response, reactive oxygen species elimination, and urea excretion. Our findings provide comprehensive insight into the genomic mechanisms of teleost fish that underlie their adaptation to extreme alkaline environments.

Link for full article: doi:10.1093/molbev/msw230

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