时 间:2023-5-15 (星期一) 12:00-13:00
主 讲:相阳 博士后
地 点:周隆泉楼二楼咖啡厅
Marine particles are an essential component of the marine biological carbon pump (BCP). The BCP transfers particulate organic matter produced by phytoplankton at the surface into the ocean interior and exerts a primary control on the atmospheric carbon dioxide level. A limited number of particle concentration and composition measurements globally, however, remain one of the main barriers to understanding the biogeochemical cycling of marine particles and their associated elements and isotopes. This talk will focus on using particle composition as chemical tracers to investigate key biogeochemical processes associated with particles in the global ocean. I will address three main questions during this talk: 1) Why does the Western Arctic Ocean have the lowest mass flux globally? 2) Why is sediment trap flux always lower than budget-derived methods? 3) Why do high concentrations of particulate trace metals persist in the Arctic halocline and East Pacific Rise hydrothermal vent?
相阳,2015年本科毕业于我校海洋化学专业,2021年于美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校获化学海洋学博士学位,同年获加州大学校长毕业奖学金,现于美国华盛顿大学联合美国国家海洋和大气管理局开展博士后研究。研究基于GEOTRACES大洋航次和长时间序列站,结合化学分析和箱式模型探讨全球尺度海洋颗粒物及痕量金属的生物地球化学循环。参与发表SCI论文十余篇,多篇第一作者/通讯作者文章发表于Global Biogeochemical Cycles、Geophysical Research Letters和Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans等国际主流期刊。担任Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Global Biogeochemical Cycles和Progress in Oceanography等期刊审稿人。