时 间:2023年6月8日(周四)中午13:00
主 讲:Daniel Petrash 研究员
地 点:我校翔安校区周隆泉楼A3-206 腾讯号194 477 510
Daniel Petrash holds a BEng in Geology from UCV in Caracas, Venezuela. He further pursued specialized training in low-temperature geochemistry and biogeochemistry as a graduate student in the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences program at UofA in Edmonton, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Konhauser for both his MSc and PhD studies. Currently, he serves as a researcher at the Czech Geological Survey in Prague, where his primary focus lies in the fields of Environmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry. Additionally, he holds an associated research position as the head of the Applied Bioelectrochemistry lab at the Biology Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Daniel's research interests span various areas, including carbonate diagenesis, early life and stromatolites, chemical fluxes from polluted headwaters, and the emerging field of biomining of metals in polluted lakes.