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MEL Seminar|Enhanced control of Southern Sourced Water in the deep East Equatorial Pacific during the LGM: Implications from CaCO3 accumulation

时间:2023年12月22日 14:54



时 间:2023-12-28(星期四)15:00-16:30

主 讲:罗一鸣 教授

地 点:周隆泉楼A3-206


Cycling of CaCO3 in the deep sea is important in regulating the atmospheric CO2 on decadal to millennial time scales. The carbonate components (wt%) and its controlling mechanism has been studied since ~ 100 years ago. However, it is difficult to use the wt CaCO3% records to infer changes of the carbonate system, since many processes (e.g., production, dissolution, dilution and etc.) can alter the wt CaCO3% in marine sediments. We have recently established a method to quantify the CaCO3 accumulation in deep sea sediment. Depth profiles of wt CaCO3% in individual ocean (sub)basins can be well predicted using geochemical parameters, such as [CO32-], CaCO3 productivity and lithogenic inputs. We further apply the method to analyze the sedimentary wt CaCO3% in the South Pacific Ocean during the LGM and found better CaCO3 accumulation in the glacial deep EEP. Such a signal implies enhanced control of more carbonate-saturated Southern Sourced Water in the deep East Equatorial Pacific during the LGM, which can be predicted by LGM simulations from ESMs. Such a reorganization of deep circulation in the Pacific Ocean is consistent with proxy data, suggesting limited CO2 storage in the glacial Pacific Ocean.


Yiming Luo is a Professor of marine biogeochemistry in the School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University. He worked with Prof. Roger Francois to earn his PhD in University of British Columbia at 2013 and spent 3 years (2013-2016) in Dalhousie University to work as a postdoc with Prof. Bernard P. Boudreau. He is active in conducting research related to U-series isotopes in the ocean and the deep sea carbonate system. In the past few years, his publications have been focused on topics in chemical oceanography and marine geology, such as cycling of CaCO3 and reconstruction of overturning circulation.

上一篇: Luncheon Seminar #250: Bipolar control on millennial atmospheric CO2 changes over the past glacial cycle 下一篇: MEL 杰出博士后年度报告|方斑东风螺遗传育种研究的工作进展与计划