时间 | 题目 | 报告人 |
4月26日15:00-17:00 |
15:00-15:25 | Genomic and functional evidence reveals molecular insights into the origin of echolocation in whales | 刘 振 |
15:26-16:50 | 黄姑鱼的性别控制及生殖细胞移植 | 徐冬冬 |
15:51-16:15 | 光合作用初始过程以及激光光谱学技术在光合作用研究中的应用 | 田利金 |
16:16-16:40 | Global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the early animals | 张飞飞 |
16:41-17:00 | 座谈交流 |
4月27日09:00-12:00 |
09:00-09:25 | 基于压缩感知的同时多元分离应用法 A practical method for multi-source deblending using compressive sensing | 段 炼 |
09:26-09:50 | Frequency-domain inversion of marine CSEM data using rotational invariants | 李 刚 |
09:51-10:15 | Accounting for Conservation Laws within Data Assimilation using Ensemble-Type Kalman Filter Algorithm | 曾跃飞 |
10:16-10:40 | The Dynamics of Arctic Ocean Mesoscale Eddies and their Role in the Beaufort Gyre Circulation System | 赵梦楠 |
10:41-11:05 | 释光年代学与其在第四纪研究中的应用 | 付 晓 |
11:06-11:30 | Provenance and transport of of aeolian deposits in Northern China | 尚 媛 |
11:31-12:00 | 座谈交流 |