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Luncheon Seminar #94: China’s anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in freshwater ecosystem and implications for coastal environment

时间:2018年02月21日 00:00



时 间:2018-2-26 (星期一) 12:00pm-1:00pm

主 讲:林岩,博士 Yan Lin

地 点:A3-206 Zhou Long Quan Building

【来访单位 Institution】:Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Norway),挪威     Norway

【邀请人 Host】:Dalin Shi      【联络人 Contact】:SuWei Weng 2183033


Coastal and estuarine water pollution is becoming an increasingly serious global environmental challenge due to input of land derived contamination. Based on the decade long environmental monitoring results in China, we developed a modelling framework to quantify the anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in China’s freshwater ecosystem. Phosphorus releases from anthropogenic sources have shown significant decreases for most part of China, while the different types of sources showed different changing patterns. For nitrogen, temporal nitrogen discharge analysis indicates that the N discharges in the urban have slightly increased due to the increase in population since 2006 except Northeast China, while decreases in N discharges are observed in the rural regions. The dynamic changes of fluvial nutrient loads from land will have significant impacts for the phytoplankton growth and the development of toxic algae for estuarine and subsequent nutrient flux to the coastal zone.


林岩自 2011 年起开始在挪威水研究所任研究员。 研究领域主要包括污染物的地球环境化学以及迁移转化模型。主要学术成果包括参与更新了环境污染物传输 INCA 模型, 开发了中国商品汞宏观物质流模型以及全国尺度的营养盐浓度变化及多年排放清单的编制。 在多年的海外学习工作中,本人积累了丰富的双边及多边政府间环境合作项目经验,一直专门负责中挪双边政府合作项目,内容涉及关于汞的水俣公约以及关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约。


* 11:40开始提供简易午餐,12:00开始讲座。

* 请老师同学们访问MEL网页(http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/lecture.asp?id=1),在本次午餐会的“报名”一栏填写信息并提交。

* 本讲座将发布当天仅开放给科研人员、技术人员、博士后、访问学者等教师优先报名,第二天起开放给全体师生报名。学生应在规定时间内报名,如提前以教师的名义报名,将导致报名无效。

* 本周五下午4点为截止报名时间,总报名人数限制在100名以内。如未及时报上名,可于12:00直接到场听报告。如已报名但因事不能参加,也请在周五下午4点前告知。

* 午餐会一如既往地欢迎大家的关注,如有兴趣做讲座的老师请联系。

上一篇: Luncheon Seminar #93: Exploring the role of small-scale thermohaline structure on mixing and transport in the ocean 下一篇: MEL Seminar