【来访单位 Institution】:National Central University (Taoyuan),Taiwan
【邀请人 Host】:Yuwu Jiang 【联络人 Contact】:Quanfeng Zhu
Deforestation is a major driver of climate change and monsoon variability, and can significantly impact regional and global climates. Satellite data indicates that in the Maritime Continent (MC) about 263,000 km2 of forest, an area larger than the United Kingdom, has disappeared from 2000 to 2014. Despite the expansive deforestation over a climatically sensitive region of the tropics, the resulting impact is unknown. Here we show using observations and a large ensemble of Model experiments that deforestation into farmland and urban warms the MC, producing rainfall in northwestern MC but large-scale drying north and south, weakening the South Asian summer monsoon. Our model projects that continued deforestation can contribute to significant changes in Asian monsoon climate in the coming decades
Leo Oey 我校讲座教授,他是国际上最著名的海洋模型-普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)开发者之一。目前,他领导的POM已经实现了数据同化、浪-冰-流耦合、大气-海洋耦合过程,并实现了并行化及非静压假设。近年来, 其对台湾海峡及中国南海的动力研究走在国际前沿。他利用地形罗斯贝波理论结合模型实验说明了台湾海峡跨海峡海流的动力机理,很好地解释了大陆漂流物到达台湾的原因;利用Kalman滤波数据同化模型在模拟了吕宋海峡三层输送结构,还利用位涡及物质通量守恒解释了该结构的机理。目前还兼职为JGR-ocean杂志 编缉。
Employment Experience:
1978-1980 Scientist, Science Application Inc., La Jolla, Carlifonia
1980-1984 Scientist, GFDL, Princeton
1984-1986 Research Assoc. Professor, Skidaway Inst., Savannah, GA
1987-1988 Assoc. Professor, Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA Old
1988-1994 Assoc. Professor, Stev. Inst., Hoboken
1995-2011 Senior Scientist, Princeton Univ., NJ
2011- NSC Chair Professor, National Central University (Taoyuan)
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