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Seminar Talk ----“From river deltas to past civilizations via the monsoon: Research in the Giosan Lab at Woods Hole Oceanographic”

时间:2017年09月10日 00:00



时 间:2017-9-14(星期四) 10:00-12:00

主 讲:Dr. Liviu Giosan

地 点:希平楼 C2-301,Xi Ping Bldg

【来访单位Institution  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

【邀请人Hosts   Steven A. Kuehl & Stephan Steinke

【联络人Contact  陈敬艳 Chen Jingyan, chenjy@xmu.edu.cn

Dr. Liviu Giosan

Department of Geology and Geophysics

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Dr. Liviu Giosan is an Associate Scientist in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA. He is a Marine Geologist studying sedimentological and physical properties of sediments, deltas and river mouth processes, and coastal morphodynamics. His projects include reconstructing the relationship between climate, landscapes and past civilizations as well as the Asian palaeo monsoons. In his talk, he will give an overview about his research activities at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

上一篇: Seminar Talk ----“Recent Developments in Geochemical Proxies based on Foraminifera” 下一篇: URF学术沙龙:南极和南大洋在全球代谢中的主导作用:热,二氧化碳,营养盐和氧气