时 间:15:45-16:30, Sept 26 (Monday)
主 讲:Juliane M?ssinger, Senior Editor, Nature
地 点:A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
受戴民汉老师邀请,Nature杂志的编辑Juliane Mössinger博士将于2016年9月26-28日访问厦门大学,并于9月26日下午在周隆泉楼介绍Nature出版集团及相关论文写作及投稿注意事项,欢迎有兴趣的老师前来参加,详情如下:
Talk title: Inside Nature
Speaker: Juliane Mössinger, Senior Editor, Nature
Time: 15:45-16:30, Sept 26 (Monday)
Venue: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
Juliane's brief intro: Education:
BSc chemistry and environmental chemistry, University of Wales;
MPhil and PhD, atmospheric chemistry, University of Cambridge;
Research fellowship, University of Cambridge.
Areas of responsibility include:
biogeochemical cycles, geomorphology, atmospheric chemistry and environmental science.