联系我们 英文版


时间:2016年06月20日 00:00



时 间:2016年06月23日(星期四)上午09:30-11:00

主 讲:宋爱军 助理教授 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,The University of Alabama,USA

地 点:希平楼C2-308

报告题目:Time reversal acoustic communication in the ocean

The global marine ecosystem is undergoing significant changes due to human activities and natural processes. These changes call for enhanced capabilities to sample and communicate in the oceans. With this background, underwater acoustic communication has attracted much attention across multiple disciplines, as a means to access oceanographic data in real-time and to support navigation of underwater vehicles. In this talk, I advocate an interdisciplinary approach to address the communication research in the ocean. To serve this goal, I will summarize my research results in channel simulations, receiver design, and receive performance in the dynamic ocean environment. Time reversal methods are often the employed techniques in the research activities. I will also present some of my recent acoustic communication research efforts beyond time reversal processing and physical layer design.

上一篇: 地质海洋学系学术研讨会系列讲座 下一篇: Micro-scale Study of Chemical Mechanisms of Metal Distribution and Role of Fe Plaque in Metal Transport in Salt Marsh Root Systems fo