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How Advancements in Natural Water Biogeochemistry Hinge on the Development of Analytical Tools

时间:2015年07月13日 00:00



时 间:7月14日(星期二) 10:00pm--12:00pm

主 讲:Kenneth Mopper

地 点:周隆泉楼 A3-206

应焦念志教授邀请,美国欧道明大学教授Kenneth Mopper将于2015年7月14日(下周二)来访厦大翔安,并召开研讨会。研讨会将于14日上午10:00正式开始,现邀请学院老师、同学们积极参加研讨会。谢谢!


概要: Progress in aquatic environmental chemistry (as well as other fields) is often limited by the lack (or insensitivity) of current analytical methods.  However, once developed, these new tools can open up new areas of research and/or allow previously intractable questions to be addressed. As an example, I will show how the analysis of photochemically formed LMW carbonyl compounds (e.g., formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone) and organic acids (e.g., pyruvic acid) was used to gain new insights into aquatic C-cycling and food web dynamics.


Mopper教授的现研究领域主要有:Dr. Mopper’s current research areas include the impact of photo-chemical processes on oceanic and global carbon cycling, the study of free radicals (e.g., hydroxyl radicals) and stable species (e.g., hydrogen peroxide) and their reactions in natural waters, the composition and origin of dissolved organic matter in the sea, the characterization of humic substances in natural waters, the production of surface active polysaccharides by organisms and their role in surface microlayer and particle formation in natural waters, and the development/adaptation of analytical techniques for trace organics, total and dissolved organic carbon, and photo-chemically formed species in natural waters.



上一篇: 英国帝国理工学院先进材料硕士项目宣讲会(MSc in Advanced Materials Programme) 下一篇: Evolutionary surprises in the future ocean: Long term adaptation of marine nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria to high CO2