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MEL午餐会第二十六讲: Effect of human interventions and climate change on tidal motion and turbidity dynamics of estuaries

时间:2014年12月23日 00:00



时 间:2014年12月29日(星期一)11:40-13:30(12:20开讲)

主 讲:Prof. Huib E. de Swart, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University

地 点:周隆泉楼一楼多功能厅

 Many estuaries are observed to change, with respect to their hydrodynamics, turbidity dynamics and their ecological functioning. Typically, during the past decades tidal range and turbidity increased, whilst oxygen levels and phytoplankton concentrations decreased. It is often argued that these changes are the result of human interventions (for example, deepening, construction of barriers and side-walls). However, at the same time also changes in the climate affect estuarine dynamics. In this presentation, a systematic analysis will be presented of the effect of anthropogenic measures and sea level rise on tidal motion and turbidity in estuaries. For this, both field data and a semi-analytical model will be used, where the latter provides insight into the basic mechanisms that control the dynamics. The model will be applied to the Guadalquivir estuary (Spain) and two German estuaries (Ems and Elbe). The results will be used to discuss new ideas on how estuaries could be managed.






上一篇: Molecular Evolutionary and Genomic Studies of Marine Species 下一篇: Decadal variations of the tropical Indo-Pacific climate and their influences on recent marine heatwave and coral bleaching events off Western Australia