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[周一午餐交流会] 第六讲:Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in the Arctic Ocean

时间:2014年05月08日 00:00



时 间:2014-5-12(星期一) 11:40-13:30(12:20开讲)

主 讲:Céline Guéguen / Canada / Department of Chemistry, Trent University

地 点:周隆泉楼一楼展厅

近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室的5月12日的周一午餐交流会将由蔡毅华老师邀请的高级访问学者、来自加拿大的Céline Guéguen 博士开讲。详情请见以下:

Title: Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in the Arctic Ocean 

Speaker: Céline Guéguen, 
              Canada Research Chair in Aquatic Science and Biogeochemistry, 
              Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Trent University 

Time: May 12, 2014 (Monday) 11:40-13:30 (the talk will begin at 12:20)

Venue: Multimedia Room, 1st Floor, Zhou Long Quan Bldg (周隆泉楼一楼展厅)


The optical properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were investigated for the first time in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), Baffin Bay (BB), and Labrador Sea (LS) as part of the International Polar Year Canada’s Three Oceans project (C3O). The dynamics and composition of absorbing (colored DOM or CDOM) and fluorescing DOM (FDOM) were evaluated in four distinct water masses occupying the three regions: surface waters, Arctic outflow waters, West Greenland Intermediate waters (WGIW) and upper Labrador Sea waters (uLSW). Four fluorescent components were identified by applying parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) to 522 excitation emission matrix (EEM) spectra: three humic-like and one protein-like. The FDOM in surface waters of the CAA and BB differed considerably in character from those of the LS, with higher fluorescence intensity in the former. The fluorescence intensities of the two terrestrialhumic-like components (C1, C3) were linearly correlated with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) in the CAA Arctic outflow and the WGIW whereas only humic-like C3 was significantly correlated with AOU in uLSW. These findings suggest that the humic-like components were produced in situ as organic matter was bio-oxidized. 


上一篇: Applications of Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy in High-frequency, Shipboard Measurements 下一篇: Determining molecular weight of natural nano particles using a symmetrical flow field-flow fractionation