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Death by a thousand cuts—— assessing the cumulative impact of humans on the landscape

时间:2013年08月29日 00:00



时 间:9月5日11:00am - 12:00am

主 讲:Professor James P.M. Syvitski

地 点:周隆泉楼A3-206

Professor Syvitski is presently Executive Director of CSDMS— Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, an international effort to develop, support, and disseminate integrated software modules to the broader Geoscience community. He is also Chair of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme(IGBP) that provides essential scientific leadership and knowledge of the Earth system to help guide society onto a sustainable pathway during rapid global change. Professor Syvitski received the 2009 Royal Society of Canada, Huntsman Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Marine Science, and is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.

lecture introduction.docxBios&Pics copy.docx
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