时间:2012年09月01日 00:00
时 间:9月4日(周二)16:30-18:00
主 讲:韦钧博士(北京大学)
地 点:海洋楼A-205
We describe a successful coupling of two regional models of the atmosphere and the ocean: Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) and Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM). RegCM3 includes several options for representing important processes such as moist convection and land surface physics. FVCOM features a flexible unstructured grid that can match complex land and islands geometries as well as the associated complex topography. The coupled model is developed and tested over the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent, a region where a relatively shallow ocean occupies a significant fraction of the area and hence atmosphere-ocean interactions are of particular importance. The coupled model simulates a stable equilibrium climate without the need for any artificial adjustments of the fluxes between the ocean and the atmosphere. We compare the simulated fields of sea surface temperature, surface wind, ocean currents and circulations, rainfall distribution, and evaporation against observations. While differences between simulations and observations are noted and will be the subject for further investigations, the coupled model succeeds in simulating the main features of the regional climate over the Maritime Continent including the seasonal north-south progression of the rainfall maxima and associated reversal of the direction of the ocean currents and circulation driven by the surface wind. Our future research will focus on addressing some of the deficiencies in the coupled model (e.g. wet bias in rainfall and cold biases in sea surface temperature) and on investigating the predictability of the regional climate system. 附件为韦钧博士简历。