时 间:6月26日 上午10:00
主 讲:Yinsheng Wang(University of California)
地 点:海洋楼 B206
Prof. Yinsheng Wang is currently the director of Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program at University of California, Riverside. His research concentrated on two broadly defined areas, DNA damage/mutagenesis and proteomics. In the proteomics area, he focuses on quantitative proteomics, post-translational modifications of proteins and functional proteomics. In the DNA damage and mutagenesis area, his laboratory has been using a multi-pronged approach, which encompasses mass spectrometry-based analytical chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology tools to understand, at the molecular level, how various DNA damage products are repaired, and how they perturb the efficiency and fidelity of flow of genetic information during DNA replication and transcription.
Prof. Yinsheng Wang has won several awards in his research career, including research award of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2005). He has been actively involved in numerous advisory committees of research panels for US NIH and NIEHS. In 2011, he was honorably elected as a Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.