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English as a tool in writing scientific manuscripts

时间:2015年10月14日 00:00



时 间:10.15-11.13每周二、周四

主 讲:John Hodgkiss教授

地 点:希平楼C2-403或周隆泉楼A3-206,详见通知内容

John Hodgkiss教授是香港大学退休教授、我校客座教授,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室英文主编,于2007年起,每年为师生开设英文写作、演讲课程。2015年10月12日-11月15日,Hodgkiss教授将访问我校,并开设英文写作课程。
本年度的课程为“English as a tool in writing scientific manuscripts”(《英文科技论文写作》)。课程将包含六个部分,内容涉及中国学生撰写英语科技论文的常见错误、论文引用文献、缩写的用法及科技论文的正确格式等。



第二课:10月20日(星期二),14:30-16:30,希平楼 C2-403
第三课:10月22日(星期四),10:00-12:00,希平楼 C2-403


除以上系列课时外,Hodgkiss教授还将于115日专门开设2小时的问答环节(Question and Answer Session)。如有任何英文写作方面的问题或困惑,以及可以在112日前通过邮件给施薇老师或教授提出(hodgkiss@hkucc.hku.hk),以便他们准备材料,当天解答。



联系人:施薇      vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn



以下附上John Hodgkiss教授个人简历:




BSc and PhD      University of Wales

Joined The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1986

Became a Professor in the Department of Ecology& Biodiversity at HKU in 1996

From 1983 – 1993 he was Associate Dean and then Dean of the Faculty of Science at HKU.

Head of the Department of Botany, 1992 - 1994

Head of the Department of Earth Science, 1992 - 1994

Head of the Department of Ecology& Biodiversity, 1995 - 1999

In 1997 he was awarded an MBE for his "Services to Environmental Education in Hong Kong" and in 2003 he was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC for his "Outstanding Contribution to Research in Marine Environmental Science".

He has taught Algology, Aquatic Ecology, Microbiology, Environmental Monitoring and Pollution Control, among many other subjects.

He supervised over 40 post-graduate students; and was an External Examiner of PhD students from the City University of Hong Kong, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and the Open University of Hong Kong.

His research into algal dynamics and water quality control began in 1968 and he has worked on nutrient enrichment of fresh and marine waters; phytoplankton dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms; dinoflagellate physiology and taxonomy; and proteomics of toxin producing algae.

He has published more than 200 refereed journal papers; has written, edited or contributed to more than 50 books; has produced more than 120 Conference Abstracts; and he also has an extensive list of publications aimed at secondary school students, university students and the general public.

Between 1969 and 2002 he received more than 30 major grants totalling nearly HK$6 million to support his research and, in addition, as part of group research projects he shared awards of more than HK$10 million.

He also obtained 18 teaching grants, including a HK$5.5 million award for setting up with colleagues the "Virtual School of Biodiversity", an on-line teaching platform to support students in the biological sciences.

He is a Fellow of the United Kingdom Society of Biology, the Linnean Society, and the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management.

He is, or has been, a member of many societies related to environmental science, including as Co-President of the Association on Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea.

He has undertaken more than 40 consultancies including the HKSAR Government's Red Tide Consultancy.

He chaired the HKSAR Government's "Country and Marine Parks Board" and its "Endangered Species Advisory Committee"; was a member of its "Water Pollution Control Ordinance Appeals Board", its "Red Tide/HAB Expert Advisory Group" and its "Council for Academic Accreditation"; and also was one of their Science Advisors from 2000 – 2003.

He has reviewed numerous scientific manuscripts and various books/conference proceedings dealing with aquatic research, and he has also reviewed research proposals in the UK, USA and the Hong Kong SAR.

He retired from HKU in 2003, but is currently an Honorary Professor there.

Since then he has been Chief English Editor for the Key State Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University and, over the past eight years has edited nearly 700 journal papers from staff and students associated with the Laboratory. He is also an Adjunct Professor there.

He also gives courses to graduate students at Xiamen University in the use of English in written and oral presentations when he visits Xiamen each year.


上一篇: MEL午餐会第43讲:Ocean feedback mechanism in a coupled atmosphere-ocean model system for the North Sea (Oct 19, Mon, 11:40-13:30) 下一篇: 关于“留学德国,开阔视野”的讲座通知