联系我们 英文版

GU8 Scoping Workshop on Ocean Sciences & Marine Biotechnology




The Global U8 Consortium is a global university consortium comprising several coastal universities such as Inha University, University of Haifa, University of Hull, University of Le Havre and Xiamen University. This consortium's purpose is to meet a growing demand for: cross-cultural education through student exchange and the adoption of a common curricula; a response to new challenges posed by the need for Global Logistics, Business Administration, Marine Affairs, and Advanced Technologies as well as interdisciplinary activities by conducting joint-research and expanding outreach programs; and the need to strengthen global cooperation among university administrations.

To share common interests in Ocean Sciences and to explore cooperative ways in supporting future research and education activities among GU8 members, we initiate this scoping workshop. The workshop will be composed of:

(1)    Ocean sciences cooperating and networking.

(2) Research on marine biology & biotechnology.

Venue: B#206 Zeng Cheng Kui Building
Time: Sept.9-Sept.10
Please refer to the attachment for the angeda.

  • 附件【201291162518265.pdf】已下载

上一篇: 关于9月13日学生搬迁翔安校区的公告 下一篇: 关于公开选拔驻外后备干部的通知