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Summer School on Global Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases




The Summer School on Global Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases is jointly organized by Xiamen University (XMU) and San Diego State University (SUSU). The Summer School is designed especially for university undergraduate students. College of the Oceanography and Environmental Science (Former COE, which has been reformed to the College of Environment and Ecology, and College of Ocean and Earth Sciences), Xiamen University, signed an agreement with College of Sciences, San Diego State University in Oct. 2011, on cooperation of the student summer research school program. This summer school will be the first experience under the MoU. Thirty undergraduate students, 15 from SUSU and 15 from XMU, will be recruited for this year. We will provide participants with quality learning, key concepts and current update in various aspects of environmental science. We are looking forward to your joining this July.

Date:2-13 July 2012
Venue:Zeng Cheng Kui Building, Xiamen University

Xiamen University, China
San Diego State University, USA

Website:  http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/summerschool/summerschool.asp?id=147 

Application: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/summerschool/application_undergraduate.asp  

上一篇: 2012年度“我与外教”全国征文大赛暨“外教看中国”摄影展评活动开始启动 下一篇: 第六届“映雪论坛”