2019年4月,我院光学海洋学课题组在Remote Sensing of Environment(RSE)期刊上发表题为“ High-frequency observation of floating algae from AHI on Himawari-8”的论文。该研究探索了新一代高频气象卫星Himawari-8在漂浮藻华监测方面的应用,实现了对藻华10分钟一次的高频卫星监测,使藻华监测的最高时间分辨率提高了5倍。

Fig (1). (Top) Diurnal change of the area of floating algal patches in Lake Taihu on November 23, 2017. Blue dot and curve: area derived from AHI FAI; red bar: area derived from GOCI AFAI; green bar: area derived from MODIS. (Bottom) Distribution of floating algae in Lake Taihu on November 23, 2017, with the FAI/AFAI images (left) and the binary images (right). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
图(1) 上图为2017年11月23日太湖漂浮藻类面积的日变化,蓝点与蓝色曲线表示Himawari-8/AHI FAI的观测结果;绿色红色分别表示GOCI AFAI和MODIS FAI的观测结果。下图为2017年11月23日太湖漂浮藻类分布,左图为FAI/AFAI图像,右图为二值图;

Fig(2) Frequency of water surface covered by floating algae in October 2017, detected from AHI and GOCI, respectively. It was calculated by counting the times a pixel was covered by floating algae in that month, and then divided this number by the total times of cloud-free observations at that pixel in that month. The red arrow points to Meiliang Bay, where AHI shows higher frequency of floating algae than GOCI. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
图(2) Himawari-8/AHI和GOCI分别监测到2017年10月份太湖水面被漂浮藻华覆盖的频率
论文来源:Xinrong Chen, Shaoling Shang, Zhongping Lee, Lin Qi, Jing Yan, Yonghong Li. High-frequency observation of floating algae from AHI on Himawari-8. Remote Sensing of Environment, 227 (2019), 151-161.