时 间:2024年4月11日(周四)中午12:00
主 讲:Rina Zuraida 印尼国家研究创新署高级研究员
地 点:我校翔安校区周隆泉楼A3-206
Dr. Rina Zuraida, Senior Researcher, from Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, Research Organization for Earth Sciences and Maritime (OR KM), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia.
Research Interest: Paleoceanography, paleoenvironment, paleoclimatology, marine geology.
Anthropogenic footprints have been found in coastal and shelf sediments from various areas as increasing heavy metals content. As one of the inner Indonesian Seas that is surrounded by islands that have been cultivated and mined since the 19th century, it is expected that sediments from the Banggai waters would show a similar trend. Preliminary results found that while most metals show an upward increase (Cr, Co, Ni, and Zn), Cu and Pb show a decreasing trend upward. That might be the result of national regulation that has limited the use of Pb as fuel additive since 2006. Surface sediments show significant anthropogenic footprints that are reflected as a substantial amount of Ni and Co in reduced fractions in sample 22. The transport mechanism of the anthropogenic signals to that station is to be determined.