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Secret Key Generation from Route Propagation Delays for Underwater Acoustic Networks

时间:2024年04月22日 17:08



时 间:2024年4月12日(周五)上午10:00

主 讲:Roee Diamant 以色列海法大学教授

地 点:我校翔安校区希平楼C2-203


Roee Diamant is an Associate Prof. at the Dept. of Marine Technologies, University of Haifa, and heads the underwater Acoustic and Navigation Laboratory (ANL). He is the manager of the Haifa offshore marine observatory, THEMO. He was the coordinator of the EU H2020 project SYMBIOSIS (BG-14 track), and is the recipient of the EU ERA-Chair appointment to the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 2009, he received the Israel Excellent Worker First Place Award from the Israeli Presidential Institute. In 2010, he received the NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Prof. Diamant has received three Best Paper awards and serves as an associate editor for the IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering. His research interests include underwater acoustic communication, underwater localization and navigation, object detection and classification, and sonar signal processing with particular applications in passive and active detection of marine fauna, and characterization of marine big data.


With the growing use of underwater acoustic communications and the recent adoption of standards in this field, it is becoming increasingly important to secure messages against eavesdroppers. In this paper, we focus on a physical-layer security solution to generate sequences of random bits (keys) between two devices (Alice and Bob) belonging to an underwater acoustic network (UWAN); the key must remain secret to a passive eavesdropper (Eve) not belonging to the UWAN. Our method is based on measuring the propagation delay of the underwater acoustic channel over multiple hops of the UWAN: this harvests the randomness in the UWAN topology and turns the slow sound propagation in water into an advantage against eavesdropping. 

上一篇: “一带一路”国际科学组织联盟(ANSO) 水产泛基因组联盟学术研讨会 下一篇: DGO Seminar:Tracing anthropogenic footprints in the deep-sea sediments of Banggai Waters, Maluku Sea