时 间:2024年5月9日(周四)中午13:00
主 讲:张彦成 副教授
地 点:我校翔安校区周隆泉楼A3-206
Dr. Yancheng Zhang, who completed his PhD at University of Bremen (2016) and postdoctoral training at The University of Hong Kong (2017-2020), has been using both organic biomarkers and inorganic geochemical tracers of deep-sea sediment cores from Chinese marginal seas and tropical western Atlantic to reconstruct environmental parameters of coastal seawaters and also investigate the potential mechanism of past ocean-atmosphere-land interplay (in collaboration with climate modelers). In the past, he has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers on journals such as Nature Communications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geophysical Research Letters, Quaternary Science Reviews, Nature Geoscience, etc. He participated IODP Expedition 400 off Northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet (2023) and will work on deep-sea sediments there in the next few years to explore the link between Greenland Ice Sheet evolution and pre-industrial climate changes.
Although marginal seas are strongly involved in ocean-atmosphere-land interplay at global and regional scales, environmental parameters there and their roles behind remain little known from instrumental datasets. To narrow this gap and also provide relevant insight into future warming scenarios, a variety of sediment cores along the Chinese marginal sea were used to analyse lipid organic biomarkers and further to elucidate the intrinsic imprint of past climate changes. In this talk, I will present these geochemical paleorecords (mainly seawater temperatures) to illustrate a clear picture of regional-scale oceanic processes (and physical dynamics) during the Holocene, e.g., wind-driven upwelling, boundary currents and monsoon circulation, etc. These results may serve for a better understanding of tropical hydroclimate and thereby biodiversity hotspots in the context of Anthropogenic warming climate.