时 间:2017-11-20 (星期一) 11:40-1:00pm (Seminar starts at 12:00pm)
主 讲:Daniel A. Knopf,Professor
地 点:Multi-function Hall, 1st Floor
【来访单位 Institution】:Stony Brook University
【邀请人 Host】:Bingbing Wang 【联络人 Contact】:Jie LiuSpeaker: Dr. Daniel A. Knopf
Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
2003 Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Inst. for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Switzerland
Sea spray is a major source of atmospheric aerosol mass over much of the earth’s surface. Knowledge of its composition and cloud formation propensity are critical for determining its role in atmospheric chemistry and climate. In absence of other airborne ice nucleating particles such as mineral dust, sea spray aerosol (SSA) may contribute significantly to atmospheric ice cloud formation. Only recently it has been recognized that SSA is associated with organic matter. SSA particles collected in the field and from laboratory mesocosm experiments are physicochemically characterized using, e.g., scanning transmission X-ray microscopy with near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (STXM/NEXAFS). These analyses reveal that SSA consist of an inorganic core coated with biogenic material. NEXAFS spectra and spectrophotometric methods based on staining support the presence of polysaccharidic and proteinaceous material stemming from phytoplankton exudate. This exudate material can induce ice formation at tropospheric relevant conditions, providing a link between marine biological activity and cloud formation, thus climate. However, the nature of this marine biogenic material and its physicochemical properties resulting in observed ice nucleating propensities are not well understood and will be discussed in this seminar.
* 11:40开始提供简易午餐,12:00开始讲座。老师同学们取餐后请直接到A3-206会议室用餐,等待聆听报告(可以边吃边听)。
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* 本周五下午4点为截止报名时间,总报名人数限制在100名以内。如未及时报上名,可于12:00直接到场听报告。如已报名但因事不能参加,也请在周五下午4点前告知。
* 午餐会一如既往地欢迎大家的关注,如有兴趣做讲座的老师。欢迎与我联系。